Although Bollywood love to wear Patiala suits, we are still not able to connect with its look. Since Kareena Kapoor wore it in the movie ‘Jub We Met’, very popular. Women admire it but still don’t prefer it as such as another salwar suit. It may be because of its colourful vibes, but still, no other salwar suit can beat its carefree look. Patiala suits have the carefree and contemporary vibes, it is a comfortable wear and looks really stylish. From office wear to a wedding function, with the right selection of work and fabric, you will be able to rock any occasion. Still, if you are confused about the occasion to wear it, simply slide down and discover more…
On The Day out with Friends
Yes! Patiala Pant is known for its comfort and that’s the reason why you carry it daily. With its flowy look, you will be able to feel very comfortable and stylish. It will give you a perfect ethnic vibe that you are dying for. So simply go for some light tone and printed dupatta and make your Patiala salwar suit look perfect for outings.
Office Walk-in
It’s just a Myth that Patiala suits are not for the office, in contrast, Patiala suits have everything you would be seeking in your office wear. It is flowy and comfortable. The Patiala pant is better than any other bottom wear. You can go for some prints and combine it with a plane Patiala. It will look formal yet enjoyable. You will fall in love with its freshness.
Family Get-Togethers
If you are confused for your casual though heavy wear (A balanced wear), simply go for a Patiala suit. It is colourful, feels comfy and looks stylish. It will give you the perfect ethnic vibes and will make you look different. You will admire how natural and celebrating vibes it will give you. Just make sure to go for the colours but not too many embellishments.
Festive Occasions
Festivals are known for their happy vibes and new attires. As you know, you have to work hard on the festival days, so you must be looking for something comfortable and beautiful. After all, saree and lehenga are the main streams, Patiala suit will give you a contemporary vibe. You can choose vibrant colours according to the festival. It will give the sporty vibes.
Meeting with the In-laws
Meeting In-laws is always special for girls. All the girls prefer normal suit or palazzo, but they don’t go for Patiala pants. So if you will go Patiala salwar suit, it will give you contemporary vibes. Also, it will suit you the most. You will admire its colours and work. No other garment can beat the beauty of this suit.
Styling Tips for Patiala Suit:
Do you want to get the traditional look of Patiala suit? Here are some tips:
• Choose the Printed salwar with the plain kurta.
• Choose the plain salwar with a printed kurta.
These days women love to go for the first option, as it looks quite cool. And you are lucky that the market is full of different styles of Patiala suits. You can purchase according to your style. And if you want to get a traditional Punjabi look, go for the multiple colours. Combine it with a paranda, heavy jhumkas and jutti. You can complete your look with a bindi and bangles. Right accessories will give you the happy vibes. It will help you to look different and beautiful.
You must be thinking how come so much looks from a single garment? Right? This is the magic of Indian ethnic wear and it will never disappoint you. So try Patiala salwar suit and look charming, youthful and royal.
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